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Leon de Leeuw
2 min read
The importance of paying off your loans
Time equals money. All money is produced by investing time in a cause. If you borrow other people's money, you indirectly borrow their l
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Leon de Leeuw
3 min read
In your life, what do you do just for yourself?
Who's to say what you should do with your free time? Nobody. Just live it for yourself, not someone else. One distinction to make..
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Leon de Leeuw
4 min read
Don't settle down if you don't want to
If you don't want to settle down, there's no need. This post offers some motivation to keep doing what you feel you must.
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Leon de Leeuw
4 min read
You're competing against yourself
From the beginning of time, humans have sought after comfort in exchange for the least amount of effort.
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Leon de Leeuw
2 min read
Sometimes, it's good the way it is
Living abroad has its challenges. But sometimes it's also good the way it is, and you'll feel you found your place.
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Leon de Leeuw
3 min read
Dear Bulgarians, stand up for yourselves
I love Bulgaria and all Bulgarians I met have welcomed me with open arms. But I would bring up one point for improvement.
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Leon de Leeuw
3 min read
You need your rest
The fine balance between working hard and taking rest.
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Leon de Leeuw
4 min read
Lessons from being in debt
How to turn your journey of paying off debt into something positive.
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Leon de Leeuw
1 min read
Ups and downs of living abroad
It seems like it's all fun. It is, until it's not. Living abroad is hard. Yet it's also very rewarding.
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Leon de Leeuw
2 min read
Start living already
Your days are numbered. So are everyone's. Start living today.
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Leon de Leeuw
1 min read
There is a place for you
If you're reading this, know I felt the same as you. Yearning for adventure, wanting to head out. Leaving my safe nest for trips under t
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Leon de Leeuw
1 min read
The call of adventure
Living abroad, you partly or completely have to reinvent yourself. Mostly if you go alone. The advice 'just be who you are' doesn't fly...
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Leon de Leeuw
2 min read
Don't hit the gym on January 1st
Start one good habit. The gym will be packed the first two weeks of the year. Then, most lose their motivation, lay on their couches and...
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Leon de Leeuw
2 min read
One foot in comfort and one in chaos
One foot in comfort and one in chaos Since I’m in Bulgaria, I have my job and besides that lots of free time. In the first year here, I...
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Leon de Leeuw
2 min read
Develop a workout habit
It’s a rare bird that gets home after work and looks forward to a workout. Rather, most would open a bottle of wine and watch TV. It’s...
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Leon de Leeuw
6 min read
Why being a single man is just fantastic
There’s benefits to being a single man. In fact, it’s great. However, it can go two ways. Choose wisely. You choose every day, for the...
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Leon de Leeuw
4 min read
Don't let debt catch you
What is considered to be 'good debt'? Financial clutter is all around us. We can take out loans. Take out all sorts of insurance to the...
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Leon de Leeuw
11 min read
Mental turmoil and the state of allowing
Sadly, mental health is very rarely discussed in everyday conversation. Even though most, if not all people, have their issues sometimes....
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Leon de Leeuw
8 min read
How to prioritize ourselves - No time is not an excuse
Time is one of our most valuable commodities. And although it seems to stretch on endlessly, our time on the globe is limited. Apart from...
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