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Leon de Leeuw
5 min read
Moving to Poland after ten years in Bulgaria
My thoughts on moving from Bulgaria to Poland
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Leon de Leeuw
2 min read
Travel plans for 2021
Again this proves to be a challenging year to travel. In the sense that it requires testing and advance planning to go anywhere. However,...
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Leon de Leeuw
3 min read
No city is perfect
For a long time I was fascinated by Berlin. I visited in 2001 and loved how free it felt. I went back many times. Basically it's a true...
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Leon de Leeuw
1 min read
The southeasternmost point of the mainland EU
The South-Easternmost point of the continental EU, Rezovo village on the Turkish border.
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Leon de Leeuw
1 min read
Adventure calls
From Sofia, I got to the Central Balkan mountain range by train for just €1,80. It was sunny and warm.
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Leon de Leeuw
1 min read
Morning coffee
No matter how hard the working days can be, a morning coffee on a sunny weekend makes up for it.
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Leon de Leeuw
1 min read
Life is short
Too short to do everything, long enough to do a few things very well. Family, friends and your own health are the most important. But so...
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Leon de Leeuw
4 min read
Don't settle down if you don't want to
If you don't want to settle down, there's no need. This post offers some motivation to keep doing what you feel you must.
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Leon de Leeuw
2 min read
Difficulties of being an expat
It's never easy and it never will be. I'll be the first one to recommend anyone to go abroad for a while but I'll be the last on
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Leon de Leeuw
2 min read
Sometimes, it's good the way it is
Living abroad has its challenges. But sometimes it's also good the way it is, and you'll feel you found your place.
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Leon de Leeuw
3 min read
Dear Bulgarians, stand up for yourselves
I love Bulgaria and all Bulgarians I met have welcomed me with open arms. But I would bring up one point for improvement.
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Leon de Leeuw
1 min read
Ups and downs of living abroad
It seems like it's all fun. It is, until it's not. Living abroad is hard. Yet it's also very rewarding.
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Leon de Leeuw
2 min read
Start living already
Your days are numbered. So are everyone's. Start living today.
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Leon de Leeuw
1 min read
There is a place for you
If you're reading this, know I felt the same as you. Yearning for adventure, wanting to head out. Leaving my safe nest for trips under t
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Leon de Leeuw
2 min read
My feelings for Bulgaria
After 3,5 years in Bulgaria, I'm over the phase of deciding whether I like it here or not. I do, otherwise I would have left a long time
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Leon de Leeuw
1 min read
The call of adventure
Living abroad, you partly or completely have to reinvent yourself. Mostly if you go alone. The advice 'just be who you are' doesn't fly...
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Leon de Leeuw
3 min read
Minimalist approach to working around the world
Over life, people buy stuff. Then they live in a bigger place and buy even more. Most never stop buying and consuming. There are many...
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Leon de Leeuw
6 min read
Why NOT to quit your job to travel
It happens to many of us, the sudden urge to let it all be and leave on a trip. To travel for months or years on end. Why not even...
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