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  • Writer's pictureLeon de Leeuw

If you're reading this, know I felt the same as you. Yearning for adventure, wanting to head out. Leaving my safe nest for trips under the sun. And working far away, building up a life all for myself. I told my friends I would. Told everyone I could. It started out with trips alone, not too far but far enough to get lost. I rode my bike to Germany and came back when the sun set. Then traveled alone for weeks, when I finally reached the age I so long waited for. My trips were all a blessing. Time alone and reflection. On what to do, on what life means. Learning to spread my wings and take care of myself. Eventually, I live abroad. And I found my place. That's not to say I'll stay forever, no traveler can ever say that. Unless he finds the love of his life perhaps. So head out, there is a place for you. No need to find a love or even look for it. The love for yourself is strong enough. The love for life is strong enough. Show your folks what you're made of. And do visit them often. They gave you your wings and set you free.

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Belogradchik rock formations, Northwestern Bulgaria

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  • Writer's pictureLeon de Leeuw

If you read my blog, you're one of the few. And I hope you'll find some interesting stories on it. Yes, my travel stories attract readers, but the blog, which is more personal, rarely does. Yet I keep going, and I will keep going. Not just for the lonely reader out there, if there is one, but to re-frame my thoughts. Writing things down, just getting them out there, helps reflect on life. It's a positive outlet for strong emotions and thoughts I wouldn't otherwise be able to sort out.

I hope that the reader who does read these words, is inspired to make the best of this life. To move out of the safe harbour and set your sails towards adventure. To take a glass of good wine and plan your next trip or big step towards your self-development. I hope you're propelled to carve out a place in the world, a place just for yourself. Whether you're alone, with friends or in a relationship, strive to make the most of each moment. Live in the present but strive for the best future.

Keep reading and above all, consider writing yourself. You'd be surprised about the good it can do for you. Start writing down whatever comes up. Just start. Write for ten minutes, read it back and you'd never have thought this was just in your mind. No matter if it's good or not. That's also not why I write. I want to be better each day, to live a true life to myself, and that's why I write. Thoughts move away but once they're written down, they're there to stay. And I share them with people, although very few read. It doesn't matter, it's out there for the ones interested.

Make the best of your day, and send me a message if you enjoy my stories or have any questions.

Best, Leon

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  • Writer's pictureLeon de Leeuw

After 3,5 years in Bulgaria, I'm over the phase of deciding whether I like it here or not. I do, otherwise I would have left a long time ago. The first year and a half or so were mostly getting used to the new life although that went faster than I expected. As a single man, it was easy to come here and get into a routine. Work, home, gym, home. Then traveling in my free time. I never regretted my choice to come here. In fact, I always felt confident and never had any negative experience at all. No negative experience out of malice towards me. Yes, life has its ups and downs but my life here has been very positive and rewarding so far. Yet each traveler who settles down wonders if this is the place, or if he'd move on to the next. And it isn't to say I won't, but I'm not tempted to leave any time soon.

Bulgaria is where I grew into the person I am today. Bulgaria is where I became a man. Where I learned to stand on both my feet. One foot back home in The Netherlands, one here in Bulgaria. I got an infinite amount of experience from both my jobs. Working with other cultures, in different languages. Carving out a place for myself, standing up for myself when needed. Building a network of acquaintances, from scratch. I can proudly say my home is here. My whole life takes place here. I made a new person of myself, after being dissatisfied with the way things were back in The Netherlands. Don't get me wrong, it's one of the best places in all statistics. Yet it was the lack of being able to go out, walk into the mountains. I longed for the sunny afternoons and hot evenings. The four seasons. Adventure was calling. New experiences, a new language, new people and new customs. All very tempting. I went and didn't look back.

I felt good the moment I arrived in Bulgaria. It felt as if I stepped into a warm bath. A feeling of comfort, of relaxation I so much needed. A pace of life that's a bit slower, certainly outside the capital. A work culture that is comparably more relaxed and easy-going, even though that doesn't mean we work less hard or fewer hours. Just a more pleasant vibe which I still enjoy to this day. The perfect work-life balance. The pleasant colleagues. I was always treated well, by everyone I met. Bulgaria embraced me, and I embraced her.

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