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  • Writer's pictureLeon de Leeuw

Your days are numbered. So are everyone's. There's about 28.000 in the average human's life. So it's about time you start living these days. Do you live the days you go through? Or, are you wallowing away in front of the television? If so, it might be time for some changes. I hope you're healthy now. Able to make decisions. I hope you're independent and free to go where you like. I hope you made wise decisions up to this point, are debt free and without regrets. If that all sounds like you, then you have all the odds with you to make a change. To go out and enjoy yourself. To move abroad, to make a new life. To reinvent yourself. And even if what I just described doesn't sound like you, there's still options to go out and turn the wheel around. At least go out. Use your senses. Smell the flowers, listen to the birds, put the phone away for a day.

If you hate your job, sit it out, collect some money and go into the wild world. People live everywhere and they survive anywhere. Most people work, everywhere. So there are jobs for you as well. There's no reason not to get out there, no reason to stay in your home town. Make the change today, because your life is finite. It could end at any moment. Or it could take a long time. But it doesn't matter, you're here now. Imagine the choices and freedom you have, and how you have done so little with it upto now. Many would love to be in your position. If you have a good head with some good brains, you're fairly intelligent, the world is your oyster. The possibilities are endless. And more doors open as you progress. First find the other job, in the place you want to go. Don't always follow your passion, why not go where the money is? Passions can be followed in your free time as well. WIth more money, you can delve into these more than being a hungry artist or web designer.

Nonetheless, you know what's best for you. The answers are already inside you. Just don't wait until your final days on this world to voice these ideas. Act on them now, not tomorrow, today is the day. There is only today, it's all that we're given.

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  • Writer's pictureLeon de Leeuw

"Love yourself first, then another." I've often said this, not only to myself, also to others. I was of the opinion that if a relationship doesn't work, and as soon as the first red flag would show up, it wasn't meant to be. If two persons don't get along immediately, if there's no vibe, then they shouldn't be together.

Yet, how true can it be that we need to love ourselves before we love another person? Maybe it's not the case at all. How many people don't love themselves all that much but perfectly add up to each other? It's hard to say. How many people feel stuck in a relationship now, move past the rough patch, just pull themselves through it? It might be what a marriage and relationship is meant for. To stick together through thick and thin.

Eventually, when you pull through, it might result in a stronger relationship. And who's to say we should throw something that doesn't function right out the door? Things and people have become so replaceable. It makes us more individualistic but also more alone. It can give us freedom but also have us give up on things too easily. When the water gets hot, we get right out and just walk away. Why do this? Who's to say there's no improvement down the road?

We are always on the lookout for the perfect partner. But does he or she even exist? Who says there's a perfect person, and not just a few good matches out of a whole lot of bad ones? It's hard to tell. And life is short. So it's not a bad idea just to hang out with people, good people. Who knows who you'll meet along the way. Don't give up on the idea of meeting your guy or girl. Have standards but be open. Be a good person and you'll attract like-minded people.

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  • Writer's pictureLeon de Leeuw

If you're reading this, know I felt the same as you. Yearning for adventure, wanting to head out. Leaving my safe nest for trips under the sun. And working far away, building up a life all for myself. I told my friends I would. Told everyone I could. It started out with trips alone, not too far but far enough to get lost. I rode my bike to Germany and came back when the sun set. Then traveled alone for weeks, when I finally reached the age I so long waited for. My trips were all a blessing. Time alone and reflection. On what to do, on what life means. Learning to spread my wings and take care of myself. Eventually, I live abroad. And I found my place. That's not to say I'll stay forever, no traveler can ever say that. Unless he finds the love of his life perhaps. So head out, there is a place for you. No need to find a love or even look for it. The love for yourself is strong enough. The love for life is strong enough. Show your folks what you're made of. And do visit them often. They gave you your wings and set you free.

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Belogradchik rock formations, Northwestern Bulgaria

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